Privacy policy

The company takes the protection of personal data seriously and wants to be a serious and secure business partner for our customers and business partners.

The company has therefore prepared this privacy policy so that you know how the company processes the personal data collected.

This privacy policy applies when we are the data controller, i.e. when we process cases for customers, when hiring new employees and in connection with marketing activities.


When we collect your data:

We collect data directly from you or from third parties, including, for example, public registers and authorities.


What data is collected:

The Company uses your data in order to fulfil an agreement the Company is part of or to respond to your inquiry.

Normally, it will only be necessary to collect general contact information such as name, address, telephone number and e-mail.

The company only collects general personal data, which includes name and contact information.

In connection with the recruitment of new employees, the employee, by submitting an application, authorises the Company to process the submitted personal data for the purpose that the information can be included in a recruitment process. It can also be stated that your information will be treated confidentially.

The company emphasises that an application must not contain sensitive personal data in the form of information about sexuality, trade union affiliation, race, religion, philosophical beliefs and political opinions, religion, philosophical beliefs and political convictions.


The registered personal data is used for:

The Company only collects and registers personal data for the following purposes:

  • Fulfilment of an agreement entered into with the Company
  • Answering enquiries
  • Administrative purposes
  • Filling a position

Your personal data is collected solely for the fulfilment of the above-mentioned purposes, and should there be a need to process the data in question for other purposes, you will be asked to consent to this, unless consent is not required.



The company ensures that personal data that is no longer necessary or relevant for the purposes stated in section 4 is deleted on an ongoing basis.

You may at any time request the deletion of your personal data if the Company is not entitled to store your personal data without your consent, or the data in question is necessary for the Company to fulfil the agreement or request entered into.

In connection with recruitment, your data will be stored for a maximum of 6 months or until the recruitment process is over, after which it will be permanently deleted.



The Company does not obtain your consent for the purposes stated in section 4, as the Company is obliged to process your general personal data in order to fulfil an agreement with you or to respond to your enquiry or request.

fulfil an agreement with you or respond to your enquiry or request and as part of a recruitment process.

In the event that your personal data is to be used for purposes other than those stated in section 4, you will be asked to consent to this before the processing begins.



We only disclose your personal data to external parties if this is necessary for us to fulfil our agreement with you or if required by law.

We use data processors (IT suppliers, financial management programmes, etc.) in order to provide the best possible service to our customers.



The company has internal rules for the handling of your personal data. Guidelines that, together with the company’s security measures, ensure that your personal data is protected and secured against destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorised disclosure or access.


Control and updating:

The company ensures that the registered personal data is regularly checked and updated when there are changes.

As a data subject, you can notify us at any time if there have been changes to your personal data, including in particular your contact information.

Enquiries can be made via the contact information in this privacy policy.

The company has also adopted internal guidelines for controlling and updating personal data.


You have the right to:

You always have the right to access the personal data that the company has registered about you, including to be informed which data we store about you, where it was collected from, and what we will use it for. If you wish, you can also be informed how long we store your personal data, who stores it and where. Who we share your data with, if we share it.

In some cases, there is information that the company does not disclose, this may be where the privacy of other private individuals is more important, intellectual property rights and trade secrets.

In the event that the company has registered personal data about you and you become aware that the registered data is incorrect or inaccurate, you are entitled to request that the incorrect data is deleted and the inaccurate data is corrected.

You must send information about the data you believe to be inaccurate or incorrect and the company will take care of the matter.

There may be cases where you do not agree with our processing of your personal data, in which case you can request the company to delete the data in question.

You can also do this if you believe that the company is processing data in violation of the law, the processing is no longer necessary or that you have withdrawn your consent to the processing.

The company will then assess whether there is a basis to fulfil the request for deletion or correction of personal data. If there is a basis for carrying out deletion or correction, this will be done as soon as possible.

You may at any time object to the company’s processing of your personal data or to the company disclosing your data.

In the event that you wish to object, you can contact the company stating which processing you object to and why.

If your objection is justified, the company will stop processing your personal data and will either delete or return it to you.

You have the right to get back the personal data that you may have made available to the company, or the data that the company has obtained from others on the basis of your acceptance thereof. If you are party to a contract with the company, you can also get your personal data back, however, the company is entitled to process the personal data that is necessary to fulfil the agreement with you.

You are also entitled to have your personal data transferred to another service provider, if you so wish and if it is compatible with the contract entered into.

In cases where the Company is required to return or disclose personal data, it will be provided in a commonly used format.

The company endeavours to respond to inquiries as soon as possible and no later than one month from receipt of the objection, however, there may be periods of busyness that may result in a longer processing time. In this case, you will be informed.


Contact information:

The company can be contacted at any time in the following ways:

Contact: HR
Telephone: +45 7626 9600
Address: Levysgade 14, st., 8700 Horsens, Denmark
CVR: 31752469

Our privacy policy was last updated on 03-02-2019. Changes will be published on this page on an ongoing basis.


See profile video